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All of the president animatronics nics at Hall of Presidents
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Although we have already made a list of our top attractions at Magic Kingdom, this is another we could not go without mentioning. The Hall of Presidents is represented from Walt Disney’s vision to honor the nation by in return honoring the American presidency. We believe this wins the Honorable Mention.

What is the Hall of Presidents?

Envisioned by Walt himself, the Hall of Presidents is an attraction located in Liberty Square at the Magic Kingdom. During this 25 minute show, you will watch an original film that explains the dramatic story of the nation’s founding.

While the Hall of Presidents is full of history and patriotism, this show also includes a sense of honor to all those who have stood before our great nation. The film at the beginning includes a look back into the history of our progression throughout the years of America and then to the future as well. The film showcased starts off in the Revolutionary War era with George Washington coming into the presidency. “The idea of a president,” as mentioned in the film, is that America would have a leader not separate from the people but elected by the people; We The People. This is just what Washington was a part of. After that, one of the most known presidents, Abraham Lincoln will appear to deliver his Gettysburg address.

Waiting area inside Hall of Presidents

Image credit to Anna1227

When did The Hall of Presidents come to Magic Kingdom?

Opening in October 1971, along with the rest of Magic Kingdom and Walt Disney World Resort, you would think this attraction is a little outdated. However, that is just the opposite. The Hall of Presidents is constantly being updated for obvious reasons, new presidents joining the long list of fine American men in the White House.

What to Expect

Now earlier when I said Abe Lincoln appears, I meant the Audio-Animatronic version of course. Lincoln will give his address and the curtains will eventually rise to reveal every other president the United States has had surrounding him on stage. Originally simple wax figures, this did not meet Walt Disney’s approval. Walt sent the Imagineers back to work to develop the first Audio-Animatronics in human form, thus causing the humanistic movements and overall look. Few presidents will give small speeches, including our current leader, Donald Trump and a few others. Each of the other past presidents will be recognized individually, called by name to wave or bow to the crowd in some of the most realistic ways.

History Buff Facts

Also, fun fact in case you were counting the presidents, there will only be 44 on stage, not 45. This is because Grover Cleveland served 2 non-consecutive terms. Cleveland was both the 22nd and 24th president. Did you know that?

When Can You Watch?

This attraction runs continuously throughout the day. Also, keep in mind there will be a clock hanging close by with the next available showtime posted.

In Conclusion

This attraction will help you to see a brief look into the nation’s past and present. As our honorable mention, we would definitely recommend not to skip out on this during your next visit to the Magic Kingdom. Also, it’s a great place too cool off from the Florida heat. Let us know if you agree or disagree. Would this attraction make your top 10 list? Leave a comment below.

Featured image credit to Josh Hallett

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