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The Best Packing Tips For Disney World

Fireworks at Walt Disney World in Magic Kingdom
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No matter where you go on vacation, if you’re like us your bag seems to shrink as you pack. Sometimes we even leave something important at home. Here is a quick check-off list of packing tips for Disney World. Believe us when we say you won’t regret packing any of them, so save room.

Bring comfortable shoes

This one cannot be stressed enough and that’s why we put it first. It’s very vital that you wear comfortable shoes to Disney being that you will be on your feet all day. We sometimes walk up to 10+ miles on a full park day.

We recommend wearing some type of lightweight tennis shoes, preferably ones that will match a lot of clothing colors as well to prevent packing more than one pair. Also, Sandals are okay as long as they are supportive and have a back. Steer clear of shoes like flats, Converse, and anything with a heel.

Another thing to think about is packing an extra pair of socks. Some rides may get yours wet, not often, but sometimes. You will definitely want dry socks to walk around in.

Pack a Poncho

Bringing a poncho or rain jacket is one of our packing tips for Disney World

Florida is known for its pop-up rain showers, so bringing proper rain-gear is a must. A poncho or rain jacket is something we always have in our day-pack for Disney World instead of an umbrella. This is because the poncho is much easier to deal with when coming in and out of stores or on and off of rides.

If you plan to bring a poncho, be sure to purchase it before you embark on your trip to Disney. They can be very expensive inside the parks.

Use Packing Cubes

Packing cubes are a great way to keep your clothes and accessories organized inside your luggage. They also compress clothes, keeping them wrinkle-free while also saving space. Not only are packing cubes a great thing for organization inside your luggage, but they can also be a way to get items nice and neat when you get to your accommodations. Take the cubes out of your bag, stash them in a drawer, and you’re ready to hit the parks!

Bring a small bag or backpack to carry at the parks

The backpack we carry at the parks when we're at Disney World

The most helpful packing tips for Disney World is a small bag or backpack. You’ll need one to put your everyday essentials in when visiting the parks. This is especially true if you have kids. Whether it be things like sunscreen, hand sanitizer, sunglasses or snacks and a water bottle, you’ll need something to haul that stuff around.

Pack snacks and water/reusable bottle

Bring water and snacks to the parks

If you’re looking to save money, like we always are, be sure to put snacks and water into your daypack. Food is expensive inside the parks, so limit spending by bringing food in with you. Disney allows it, so take advantage. No one needs to go “hangry” at the happiest place on Earth.

Don’t forget the “essentials”

Whether you’re visiting Disney for one day or one week, there are some items you’ll need to have with you when inside the parks. These are items you can carry with you in your daypack.

Here are some we recommend:

  • Hat & sunglasses
  • Sunscreen / Sunscreen Chapstick
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Wet wipes
  • Tide Pen

Get your Mickey Ears before you go

Buying Mickey ears early is one of our packing tips for Disney World what are you really eat whenever you want

Instead of waiting to purchase your ears when you get into the parks, buy your ears before you go to save some money. You can look on websites like Amazon and Ebay to get ears for a fraction of the price you’d pay at Walt Disney World.

Another option is Disney’s Character Warehouse in Orlando, which has official Disney merchandise on sale. Mickey Ears can be found here for as low as $2. If you’re not physically able to go here, you can purchase the ears online through Facebook groups. People will buy the merchandise for you for a small fee and mail straight to your door. A couple of the groups we love is Liz Linen or Mickey’s Magical Delivery on Facebook.

Pack a phone charger

Getting the best Disney experience now heavily depends on being able to use your smartphone. You’ll use your phone to make dinner reservations, schedule FastPasses, check attraction wait times, view the park map, and the list goes on. This can drain your battery quickly, so having that extra battery life can be very valuable.

A great option for you is to buy the chargers at one of the kiosks throughout Walt Disney World. They’re $30 and you can swap them out for a fully charged one at any kiosk when you use up all of your current one’s battery. This is a very simple and easy way to keep your phone charged.

Ziploc bags are a must

This isn’t something we always think about first, but bringing a few extra Ziploc bags can be a life-saver. Pack some smaller ones in your daypack to keep your wallet and electronics dry in the rain or when on water rides. Bring larger bags to separate wet or dirty clothes in your suitcase.

Color coordinate your clothes

Pack outfits that you can mix and match. This allows you to be more minimal with what you bring and will make the packing process a lot easier. Don’t bring a shirt that will only match one pair of pants. This limits you in what you can wear.

Here are some more packing tips for Disney World from Disney Food Blog

Your Thoughts?

In the end, these few packing tips for Disney World will help you more than you think. Also, this will prevent you from bringing the whole “kitchen sink” as some people like to reference it. What are some things at the top of your packing list? Is there something you just can’t go without? Comment below and keep the conversation going.

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Featured Image credit to Candace Lindemann

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